Oct 22, 2011

عتبنا على سمر كموج كبير

عند  ٧:٣٠ من مساء أمس، وقفت انتظر دخولي إلى قاعة الاسمبلي هول، ذلك الصرح العريق في الجامعة الأمريكة في بيروت... كنت انتظر دخولي إلى جنةٍ من الموسيقى العربيه والطرب الأصيل ترشدنا إليها سمر كموج، ضيفة برنامج زكي ناصيف للموسيقى.

أدخل القاعة مع صديقتي وتتبعنا صديقة ثالثة لاحقاً على أمل أن نسهر مع عمالقة الأغنية العربية سهرة ترد الروح كما يقال...  نقرأ برنامج الحفل وانجازات سمر و ننتظر... ولكن نفاجأ جميعاً أن انتظارنا ومحبتنا قد قوبلت بغناءٍ وعزفٍ ليس على مستوى كبار الطرب ولا على مستوى زكي ناصيف ولا مستوى الجامعة الأمريكية و بالتأكيد لم يكن على مستوى سمر...

لقد إفتقد العمل الإحساس الرهوف والتدريب المناسب اللذين يتطلبهما أداء أغاني  لفيروز و أم كلثوم، ووديع الصافي، وسيد درويش، وصباح فخري، وكثر غيرهم مع حفظ الالقاب طبعاً. الدليل تمثل بالأغلاط الفادحة في قول العرب والقفلات الموسيقيه، بالإضافة إلى نسيان العديد من كلمات الاغاني مما ادعى بعضاً من الجمهور الخروج من منتصف الحفل إحتجاجاً على هذا الأداء الغير متمكن...

صحيح أن الجمهور بمعظمه ليس خبيراً موسيقياً، ولكن جمهور هكذا حفلات وجمهور برنامج زكي ناصيف في الجامعة الأمريكية بالتحديد، جمهور سميع ومتذوق راقي للموسيقى الشرقية. لذا وجب احترامه وتقديره بتقديم عملٍ لا يقل جودةً وعراقة عما تعود عليه وعن ما تقدمه الجامعة الأميركية من برامج موسيقية رفيعة المستوى.

نحن من محبي سمر وعارفين بقدراتها... لذا العتب على قد المحبه و لأنو غلطة الشاطر بألف... نرجو منها التنبه والتحضير بشكل أفضل في المرات القادمة إحتراماً للجمهور ولفنها...

Oct 20, 2011

Tripoli breaths fresh air for a day!

If you are in Lebanon and anywhere near one if it's large cities, you simply can not miss the traffic jams citizens and residents constantly face. In Beirut, specifically, things could not get any worse... no wait they could, they built a bridge in the middle of the highway! That said though, hope shines from northern Lebanon through the Carfree initiative. Now, let's not build castles in the sand, the initiative does not promise a solution, it's simply trying one. Specifically, a solution that was suggested previously by Architect Sandra Richani through her blog "Beirut the Fantastic". In her post, which you can check here, Richani analyses the problem, highlights its monetary cost and suggests, what I think, is a wonderful solution. Now, while the government still turns deaf ears and blind eyes toward anything that could develop this country, someone in Tripoli decided to listen and give it a try. Even if it is for a  day.

So the non-political initiative of Tripoli Carefree City will come to life on Nov 12 and 13. The planners of this event, want to stop traffic for 1 day in Tripoli and Mina and turn the city into a green space for its residents to enjoy. Accompanying the halt of traffic, are cultural activities and live performances from different artists and bands, all aiming at bringing awareness to environmental issues facing the city.  You can learn more about this great intiative by checking out their presentation, and show your support by liking their facebook page here, and following them on twitter here

Hopefully, this concept can be rolled out to other major cities in Lebanon, specially Beirut, making Sandra Richani's dream and ours a reality!

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Oct 18, 2011

Break the silence! Support YEMEN

Well the clip speaks for itself, so no need for further elaboration... BUT there is a need to share, and spread the word... SUPPORT YEMEN and basic human rights today! 

Please Like the FB page and follow the twitter account you'll see at the end of the clip.

Oct 17, 2011

10 reasons why Roadster deserves RESPECT, not just Loyalty...

While we all know how well managed a brand like Roadster is, how many people enjoy its food and how many loyal customers it has. Below is a list of why not only do I love the diner, the food and the people who work there. I RESPECT THEM!

I respect Roadster because:
1. They learn fast & make changes quickly: There was a time when if you felt like a delivery from Roadster's, their operators would drain your credit, patience and appetite. But those days are over. You call Roadster today, and I almost guarantee that you will get a girl, who is polite, friendly but not fake, will confirm your contact details and address fast, and will take your order and cross sell other menu items even faster... Whether they invested in a new calling system or grilled their standards into the brains of their employees... They do it well!
2. They say NO to lame excuses: When they say your order will arrive in 35 minutes... they ARE at your door after 35 MINUTES! They don't use traffic as an excuse in the most traffic congested city in the region!
3. They keep their promise: When you read in their menu that there is rocket leaves in a salad. You get big, juicy, fresh, green rocket leaves... and not just 2 or 3 leaves... you get a whole pile of them!
4. They are GENEROUS: When I order a salad and ask for a dressing other than the one mentioned on the menu, they send me both for no extra charge. Sure it's not much, and I won't use the other dressing anyway, but it tells me they are NOT cheap!
5. They pay attention to details: When you order from Roadster, your food is packed properly. Their packaging keeps the food where it should stay and yet is easy to open. You might say these are basics, but there are brands out there that still get it wrong! Also their accompanying set of utensils (labeled the Perfect Set) is perfect indeed. There is everything you need in there from toothpick to a fork and knife.
6. They keep it simple: No fancy names of food in their menu, no fancy talk over the phone. Everything is well explained, in visible font. You know what you will get when you make that order. The only surprise you are getting is a happy one.
7. They don't offer something new, unless they have mastered the basics, the classics, and made it their own: Roadster didn't just jump onto the diet/ light train that's taking Beirut by storm. They stuck to their guns and did what they do best, made sure no one can do it better, and THEN took it a step further. So when they introduced their Low- Cal menu, it was credible, because people knew that Roadster rarely messes up, if ever.
8. They have raised the standards of the food and restaurant industry in Lebanon: Let's face it, I know a lot of restaurants out there who claim they have accreditation from ISO, or some other institution we have never heard of. But when dietitians, nutrition majors and academic professors take samples of Roadster's food and tell you its CLEAN, GOOD QUALITY and among the best there is... then it probably is! Trustworthiness doesn't come from a stamp, or a label, it is gained because you DO NOT compromise quality, EVER! And you respect the intelligence of your customers.
9. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency: Everyone will get a hot juicy yummy burger every time, a cold crunchy fresh salad every time, or a warm creamy pasta every time... everyone... every time!

10. Value is not an option, or a promise, it's a way of life: If you check Roadster's website, you will read that they have 5 core values. Now, if you are not a fan of business and marketing talk, let me just give you the bottom line: these people have found a way, to provide QUALITY food, RICH flavor, GOOD experience and for a GOOD PRICE. I know that that Roadster is not affordable for every one. And even if you can afford it, you will probably break the bank if you have it regularly. But, I also know that you can enjoy one of the yummiest burgers out there with fries and salad to match for just over $10. Something I am sure is virtually impossible at those other burger places popping left, right and center!

So there you have it! 10 reasons why I am enforcing the togetherness they have included in their logo, and though there is nothing forever, let me tell you, I am gonna be their friend for quite a long, long, long time!

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Oct 16, 2011

Russell Peters: Best Ad for BO-18 & Party life in Lebanon ever!

Different people will form different opinions about this clip. There will be those who feel insulted, there will be those who will feel indifferent, and there will be those who will laugh their hearts out, just like i did. 

But in relevance to the Hope "motive", you might wonder where I see hope in this? Sure, I listened to Rusell make fun of our Arab accent, nationalities and behavior, but I also kept my eyes on the crowd. The audience had Arabs from almost every Arab country out there, and I saw them tearing up with laughter. Hope comes from the ability of laughing at ourselves, identifying that there is some truth to what Peters is saying, and not taking matter too seriously. 

Elsa Maxwell said: "Laugh at your troubles before someone else does". In doing so I guess, you have first identified your troubles, but also cut them down to size! Finding people who still have that ability and positivity is refreshing. I see hope, because I see individuals who are NOT indifferent to how Arabs, Lebanese included, are perceived world wide, nor do they want to be marked with traits such as terror and aggression. In their simple act of going to a stand up comedy show, and laughing at themselves, they are presenting a dignified refusal for those who wish to strip them from their humanty... And in that ladies and gentlemen... there is HOPE!

Have a great laugh! 


*Special thanks go to M.T. a friend of mine who shared this Youtube clip with me
*If you want to know more about Russel Peters just click here or visit his website

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Oct 15, 2011

Best Meat Sharma in FC - Beirut!

I know what you are thinking, but NO this is not a food review, and not a log of my quest to find the best meat shawrma in Beirut. It's far far better...
It's a funny scene fresh from my FB chat window last night...hope it brings you a few laughs...

That said, if you do know where one can find the best shawrma in Beirut do share! Don't be shy now...
  • Friend: baddi shawarma la7meh, min 2ayn 2atyab shi ya dieter?? :P 
  • Me: i have no clue, bas it depends on where u are in beirut, i mean in hamra there is bibo's. bas usually i don't eat shawrma la7me so i can't really tell
  • Friend: ah hehe.. neither do I!!!! bas ma ba3rif leih, 3am yotla3 3abeli el la7mi hal yawmayn :S  
  • Friend: tayyeb ma drouri atyab shi, just somethin good.. am still at work...going home towarsd FB, if it helps.
Here I digress to ask an urging question....
  • Me: what is FB? 
Had to ask coz the only FB I know is facebook!
  • Friend: Furn el Chebbak.. lol. FC then 
  • Me: i don't know walla 7ayaty, wait...
At this point, I thought an expert must intervene so I call another friend of mine who lives in Furn 2il Chibbak and knows top falafel and shawrma places... 

Phone rings, rings, rings some more....
  • Me: wanted to ask an expert for u, coz she lives in FC but no answer. sorry. 
I bet she was asleep
  • Friend: lool
I could never understand that one. Not sure what it stands for. Maybe "Laugh out out loud"... I guess when someone makes you laugh that hard, then he/ she can't keep the laugh inside! Hence the "out out" part...
  • Friend: khalas, i will have to go with what is least risky... so I guess either I go to Bliss house, or on my way bwa22if 3ind Barbar
  • Me: yeah. Although sara7a both are risky
  • Friend: bas the risk goes down with the fact that they have high turnover, they sell, so inno balki the stuff are more new 
Or so she thinks!
  • Friend: mom says fi wa7ad 7ad baytna 2al he's good, 2ismo LaLa Chicken. bas he's new and balki i get there w yotla3 ma fi :P
That last sentence validates all previous scientific research and brings us to our conclusion:
  1. Girls can sure multi-task. They can think about where to have the best meat shawrma, figure out the best route to get there, extract this information from at least 3 different people, through different communication channels (mobile, FB chat, etc...), communicate blogs to other friends, and finish up work for the day!
  2. Moms are special! That sentence sure reminded me of much mine is. After all, only a mom will suggest a place called "Lala Chicken" when her daughter wants meat shawrma!

P.S. I have never met my friend's mother but I am sure she is as adorable as my friend is... Sending both of them loads of love and respect. Also, special thanks goes out to my friend for allowing me to share her great sense of humor with the rest of you! and to my other friend for falling asleep in my time of need.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Oct 14, 2011

The 4 Cs of your eyes...

Today is Friday… and hopefully by the time I post this entry you will have time to read it before you go party your heart out… or in, whichever makes you more comfortable. Anyway, today all of a sudden I got the urge to write again, simply because I have arrived at a most "precious" theory...

The day started with waking up, getting ready and trying to finish getting dressed and having breakfast as quietly as possible. I didn’t want to wake up poor roommate. But, of course no matter how much you have planned to keep it down, things always go in a different direction.  That is why I specifically tripped over every wire and pair of shoes, bumped into every door, corner and chair, and dropped everything from hair brushes to earrings. Well she is up! She is a pleasant polite soul, so she said


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