I know what you are thinking, but NO this is not a food review, and not a log of my quest to find the best meat shawrma in Beirut. It's far far better...
It's a funny scene fresh from my FB chat window last night...hope it brings you a few laughs...
- Friend: baddi shawarma la7meh, min 2ayn 2atyab shi ya dieter??
- Me: i have no clue, bas it depends on where u are in beirut, i mean in hamra there is bibo's. bas usually i don't eat shawrma la7me so i can't really tell
- Friend: ah hehe.. neither do I!!!! bas ma ba3rif leih, 3am yotla3 3abeli el la7mi hal yawmayn :S
- Friend: tayyeb ma drouri atyab shi, just somethin good.. am still at work...going home towarsd FB, if it helps.
Here I digress to ask an urging question....
- Me: what is FB?
Had to ask coz the only FB I know is facebook!
- Friend: Furn el Chebbak.. lol. FC then
- Me: i don't know walla 7ayaty, wait...
At this point, I thought an expert must intervene so I call another friend of mine who lives in Furn 2il Chibbak and knows top falafel and shawrma places...
Phone rings, rings, rings some more....
- Me: wanted to ask an expert for u, coz she lives in FC but no answer. sorry.
- Friend: lool
I could never understand that one. Not sure what it stands for. Maybe "Laugh out out loud"... I guess when someone makes you laugh that hard, then he/ she can't keep the laugh inside! Hence the "out out" part...
- Friend: khalas, i will have to go with what is least risky... so I guess either I go to Bliss house, or on my way bwa22if 3ind Barbar
- Me: yeah Although sara7a both are risky
- bas the risk goes down with the fact that they have high turnover, they sell, so inno balki the stuff are more new
Or so she thinks!
That last sentence validates all previous scientific research and brings us to our conclusion:
- Girls can sure multi-task. They can think about where to have the best meat shawrma, figure out the best route to get there, extract this information from at least 3 different people, through different communication channels (mobile, FB chat, etc...), communicate blogs to other friends, and finish up work for the day!
- Moms are special! That sentence sure reminded me of much mine is. After all, only a mom will suggest a place called "Lala Chicken" when her daughter wants meat shawrma!
P.S. I have never met my friend's mother but I am sure she is as adorable as my friend is... Sending both of them loads of love and respect. Also, special thanks goes out to my friend for allowing me to share her great sense of humor with the rest of you! and to my other friend for falling asleep in my time of need.
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