Jul 10, 2012

10 things you missed if you missed GeekFest Beirut 5.0

GeekFest Beirut 5.0 ended on the night of July 5, 2012. I will not explain the event, I do not think I am cool enough, nor geeky enough to explain an event of this nature. I am getting there, but until then, I do I recommend you click here instead and get geeked!

One of the things I AM though, is a person who loves to look at the big picture; and therefore to truly evaluate GeekFest, one must put it in context.

GeekFest Beirut 5.0 was launched on the same night, as BB King, the iconic legend was playing in Lebanon.

Lebanon itself has and continues to struggle with power outages, internet blackouts, increased crime rates, severe political turmoil, repeated road blocks, dangerous borders with troubled neighboring countries, strikes by teachers refusing to correct official exams, and what was claimed to be a Phoenician Port, and a significant part of our heritage as a nation, was destroyed as a result of a very suspicious deal between a ministry and a real estate developer.

Alas my friends, the list of “context” items does not end here, but this is about GeekFest not Lebanon’s long long long history of corruption and mayhem. 

Despite the above, a bunch of young geeks, The Online Collaborative to be exact, decided to


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